Tuk - Tuk

Last night i went to one Indonesian Restaurant with a couple of friends here in Berlin. They called the Restaurant "Tuk- Tuk" i don't know why they called it that way but the most important things, they cook a reaaally tasty dishes.

I went there for breakfasting and i ordered Jasmin Tea for the drink and Ayam Bumbu Bali for the main dish.

I also got Black Rice for... we muslim called it as Ta' jil (the appetizer for breakfasting) and also Salad, came along with the main dish.


Samba Festival 2013

Yesterday there was a big Samba festival here in Coburg. It was an international celebration. It took place in Coburg's downtown until the castle's park. It was really fun seeing people wearing unique dresses and dancing from morning till late.

Here's the pics i took.



I currently in love with monochrome pics. They are simply beautiful and classy, i think. So i tried to make some of them, not the best shot but at least i tried :D

(above: inside a train)

(p.s all the photos above were taken by her.)


Primark (small) Haul.

Stuffs that i bought are only stuffs that i need the most now and i already told myself not to spend more than 100€. So here's what i got...

i really need this boot! Actually i'm eye-ing on DocMart Serena or 1460 W, but i'm just a student who doesn't have lots of money so i buy this 18€ boots.

Hello, Summer! Oh, well, actually the summer in Germany this year is messed up! Until now we only have two days of 30 and the rest...... 9-12. Cool, uh? But whatever, my feet didn't get cold easily so i bought this pair.

This is going to be my college bag. It's bigger than the old one. I was planning to buy the bigger one so i can put my binder in it.

So that was it. Not much, i know because i only bought stuffs that i need. And as i said before, i wasnt spending more than 70€!! Yeay!!

Love, Crickey Lex, Coburg.


Berlin, 28-29 June '13.

Last weekend, me and my friends decided to visit our 'family' in Berlin. It has been around 3 months since the last time we met.

We went with RE from Coburg (where i live, currently) to Lichtenfels, then continued with ICE to Berlin. We were sitting four hours until finally we arrived at Berlin Hauptbahnhof. My friend, who now live in Berlin picked us up then took us to her Apartment, which is located near KaDeWe.

The Apartment is not really big, but is massively pretty. All the furnitures are from IKEA, i believe.

this lamp is reaaaaally gorgeous.

Those are some pics i took at the apartment. I didn't take photos of the bedroom, kitchen and bathroom because the bedroom were always messy, there was always a private thingy in the bathroom and the kitchen, we cooked all the time. But that's pretty much how the apartment look like.

Love, Crickey Lex, Coburg.