Primark (small) Haul.

Stuffs that i bought are only stuffs that i need the most now and i already told myself not to spend more than 100€. So here's what i got...

i really need this boot! Actually i'm eye-ing on DocMart Serena or 1460 W, but i'm just a student who doesn't have lots of money so i buy this 18€ boots.

Hello, Summer! Oh, well, actually the summer in Germany this year is messed up! Until now we only have two days of 30 and the rest...... 9-12. Cool, uh? But whatever, my feet didn't get cold easily so i bought this pair.

This is going to be my college bag. It's bigger than the old one. I was planning to buy the bigger one so i can put my binder in it.

So that was it. Not much, i know because i only bought stuffs that i need. And as i said before, i wasnt spending more than 70€!! Yeay!!

Love, Crickey Lex, Coburg.

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